(510) 383-1983
9235 San Leandro St. Oakland, CA 94603

The ReUse Institute

TRI Training and Certification Programs

The ReUse Institute (TRI) is the training and consulting arm of TRP, dedicated to the dissemination of green building practices, including deconstruction, materials reuse and the sales and distribution of salvaged materials.

TRP-Certified Deconstruction Contractor Training has trained and certified 71 general building, remodelling and demolition contractors and over 500 workers in the techniques of deconstruction and building-materials salvage.

Our expertise in training unemployed and underemployed people has resulted in cities such as Oakland, Chicago, Peoria, Cleveland, Hartford, Muncie, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Mateo, Harlingen TX, Rockford, and Greensburg PA requesting assistance with economic development through job training in building deconstruction and salvage.

the reuse institute
Deconstruction TrainingTRI has trained the California Conservation Corps, ex-offenders, YouthBuild, Community Action organizations, community corrections clients and community college students in deconstruction skills, safety, tool usage, building-materials salvage and distribution. All workers who graduate from the program receive certificates.Deconstruction Training
WorkshopsTRI conducts two-day deconstruction workshops around the country. These workshops provide contractors, architects, municipal employees, building owners and others interested in deconstruction and building-materials salvage an overview of this burgeoning industry. TRI works with organizations to customize the content to the needs of participants.Workshops
Retail TrainingTRI Retail-Warehouse Operations Training provides all the information needed to locate, launch and operate a retail operation dedicated to selling and distributing reusable building materials.Retail Training

TRI Consulting and Project Management Services

Since 1993, building owners, architects, developers, contractors and local, state and federal governments have relied on our practical experience to assist them with:
  • Strategies for diverting reusable and recyclable building materials from landfills
  • Tips and specifications on building for deconstruction
  • Implementation of deconstruction ordinances
  • Identification of markets for salvaged building materials
  • Cost-effective deconstruction procedures
  • Development of deconstruction and demolition specifications
  • Assistance with writing and implementing public policies encouraging building-materials salvage and reuse
  • Management of large-scale deconstruction and demolition projects
Today’s reuse industry is layered with legal, financial, political and environmental issues that cannot be overlooked by any government or private owner wishing to reduce waste and improve the environment. With over two decades of practical field experience, TRP knows what works and what doesn’t. In place of anecdotal, secondhand, or out-of-date information, you get practical solutions tailored to the challenges you face today.
reuse institute training

Additionally, TRP Can Help You:

  • Plan your next green demolition (deconstruction) project
  • Master the process of materials salvage
  • Develop efficient materials distribution plans
  • Identify available markets and marketing strategies
  • Determine the value of specific materials
  • Write, implement and present materials reuse and recycling plans
  • Develop and implement strategic and operating plans for your deconstruction/reuse business
  • Implement pilot and demonstration projects
  • Plan and manage retail stores, warehouses and other used building-materials facilities
  • Prepare business and project feasibility studies
  • Write funding proposals and grants

TRI Speaker’s Bureau

Schedule a TRI speaker for your organization’s next meeting! Our network of speakers includes Ted Reiff (“The Man with the Velvet Crowbar”) and other professionals in green building, materials distribution, training, sales/marketing, and deconstruction/demolition. All speakers are accomplished presenters (many with international speaking experience) and possess considerable hands-on field expertise.

Click here to send a note describing your particular needs and requirements.

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Ted of ReUse People during ReUse Institute training